5 Ways to Get Through this Election

I’m not minimizing what’s happening this election year, but some levity should help during this bloody, cage match. Of course you can turn off the news, but give these light-hearted ideas a try to get yourself through to Election Day.
1. Mind tricks

If Donald Trump comes to mind, squeeze your eyes shut and picture instead the kind, brave and handsome Thomas J. Whitmore from Independence Day.

This election, just imagine President Thomas Whitmore from Independence Day instead of Donald Trump

With thoughts of Hillary, visualize wife, mother and Nobel laureate President Mackenzie Allen from “Commander in Chief”.

This election, just imagine President Mackenzie Allen from Commander In Chief instead of Hilary Clinton
2. Music

Listen to uplifting music:
• ‘Red Rubber Ball’, The Cyrkle
• ‘I Feel Good’, James Brown
• ‘Livin’ On A Prayer’, Bon Jovi
• ‘Go Your Own Way’, Fleetwood Mac
• Any marching band music will make you feel like a winner, too.

Avoid downer songs:
• ‘Presidential Election Blues’, Mick Jagger & Jeff Beck
• ‘Highway To The Dangerzone’, Kenny Loggins

3. Lose yourself to the small screen.

Pick some funny or mindless Netflix movies or TV shows and binge until November 8th.
Skip election news and watch The Office. You can laugh until it's time to vote!

Skip election news and watch Shaun of the Dead. You can laugh until it's time to vote!

Or tune in to the Hallmark or Bravo Channels to help you forget.

4. Practice for the big day with fun voting:
Practice for the election with fun voting like The Real Housewives Awards

Vote for your favorite Dum Dum sucker:

Practice for the election with fun voting like your favorite Dum Dum Sucker Flavor

Or, vote for your favorite Pharmacy Team Member at Rite Aid:

Practice for the election with fun voting like the best Rite Aid pharmacist

Two hated people have been nominated for President, so it’s no surprise that this election is driving voters to drink.

George Washington spent his entire campaign budget on booze to encourage voter turnout and win favor with voters. This is the reason Kentucky and South Carolina ban alcohol sales during the 6 a.m. to 6p.m. polling hours. So remember to get to the liquor store before Election Day.

5. Drinking

Drinking game alert! When playing the Watch-What-Happens-Live-Hear-a-Word-and-Take-a-Drink game, don’t pick words like “emails” or “misogynist” because you will need an ambulance to get you home.

Here are two cocktails to consider:

  • Donald’s “Make America Grape Again”

Election cocktails: Donald’s “Make America Grape Again”


  • Hillary’s “Dirty Little Secret”

Election cocktails: Hillary’s “Dirty Little Secret”


If all else fails, try to remember there’s another Presidential Election in just four more years!

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