A few days ago, I made a fairly significant purchase. When I mentioned it to Irene, her immediate response was “Did you use Ebates? You would have gotten $35 back.” What? $35? OK, I thought this was definitely worth looking into.
I signed up, made a purchase and got an ebate. It was seriously THAT easy!
Because I downloaded the free “button”, whenever I’m on a page with an Ebate, I get a pop-up on my screen. I just click the pop-up to apply the cash back or any coupons that are available. Then they send me a check.
If you shop online at any of these stores (and there’s hundreds more!), you should sign up, too. It’s FREE money and it’s easy.
Interested? This is all you have to do:
- Click this Ebates link. (Use this link to automatically get $10 the first time you use Ebates.)
- Sign up.
- Download the free “button” offered by Ebates. (That way, you don’t have to remember to use Ebates. The button reminds you!)
- Shop and get free money!
I’m already planning a trip with my Ebates.
They’ve notified me that my Big Fat Check is on it’s way!
i followed your instructions toI download the free “button”, Now, I never forget to apply the Ebate and my check was bigger than ever!
Referrals are another way you can make money from EBATES! The person you refer gets part and you get part so its a WIN-WIN!
Love your article, good job!!
thank you, Diana. i’ve gotten 3 more big fat checks!