“Magic is believing in yourself, if you can do that, you can make anything happen.”
— Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
As we age, it seems as if there are things that become just a little more difficult to do… at least as quickly or as easily as they used to: Opening a jar, moving a sofa, getting up on that chair to reach the cobwebs.
We thought we’d share some Helpful Hints (and a few tricks) here. Things that make it just a tad easier to keep going!
- Micellar Water – No Longer A Uni-Tasker (Amazing ways to use Micellar Water)
- Pickle Hack: Make Delicious, Homemade Pickles in 3 Minutes
- It’s Magic! (Mr. Clean Dry Erasers)
- End Liquid Laundry Soap Drips
- Booger Glue (Free adhesive uses)
- Moving Furniture UGH!
People (partners, children, roomies) you’ve depended on for years may have left and suddenly, you realize you don’t know how to check the oil in your car, clean the gutters, or pay the bills. If you have a daunting task ahead of you, there’s always a “how to” with all of the answers!
- How to Cut Up a Chicken