The insanity started over 6 months ago. The hoarding gave me some control. Until it spun out of control.
At the beginning of the pandemic, we joined in on the hoarding frenzy of buying toilet paper. This led me to hyper-focus on finding storage for the rolls and rolls (and rolls) of toilet paper.

The vanity cabinet was packed tighter than The Rock’s tee shirt. It was at that moment I recognized I have a “beauty clutter” problem. I decided to stop buying until my inventory was used up.
Here’s my progress … (Please don’t judge).
Eye Cream
Initial Inventory: 8
*Edit on the eye cream. I found eleventy-billion . How in the name of Corona can I have this much eye cream?!?!
Current Inventory: I still have eleventy-billion.
Action: First, have Sandy put them on a spreadsheet. Then use them on my entire body. (Maybe it’ll work there, because it didn’t work on my eyes).

Hand Cream
Initial Inventory: 10 or 12
Current Inventory: 4 (Yay!)
Action: None. I chucked eight of them because they were probably purchased before Bill Clinton was elected. The last four were placed in each bathroom plus the kitchen because we are endlessly washing our hands. I feel so brilliant!
Initial Inventory: 4
Current Inventory: 7
I know. I know. This doesn’t look good. In my defense, I did not purchase more deodorant. I won $40 worth of products for $20 during a friend’s Facebook Live Broadcast. Try your luck every Thursday at 6:30 pm ET here.
Action: Use spray deodorant to remove permanent marker; let the dog play with the ball from the roll-on deodorant; use solid deodorant to eliminate that door squeak.
Initial Inventory: 5
Current Inventory: 3
What can I say? Finding that one shampoo which results in satin-y tresses takes time.
Action: None. Good news! I finished a bottle of my husband’s shampoo and I didn’t smell like a dude. In addition, I have discarded a giant bottle of shampoo that didn’t lather and kept falling on my toes in the shower. Now there are only three and they will be used before purchasing more.
Body Wash
Initial Inventory: 0
Current Inventory: 5
I had a moment of weakness. Kroger had an incredible sale. So now there are five.
Plan: None. Just use it until the year 2050.
Cotton balls
Initial Inventory: A bag of 100
Current Inventory: A bag of 80
My husband has this endearing habit of buying “BIG” (it’s better). The cotton balls he purchased are giant-triple-jumbo-colossal size.
Plan: None. I’ve been cutting them in half so it will take me twice as long to reduce, but cotton balls are not a problem. They will get used.
Disposable Razors
Initial Inventory: 48
Current Inventory: 44 See above. Purchased by hubby at Costco. ❤️
Plan: None. Again, not a problem. My eyelashes have stopped growing, but unwanted hair has not. Nature is so unfair sometimes, so there won’t be an issue using all of the razors.
In conclusion:
I still can’t store (the much smaller supply) of toilet paper in the vanity cabinet.
Here’s what went wrong, (AKA Excuses):
~ I haven’t been socializing since March. As a result, my hygiene has been sub-par (Although I squirt on some cologne and use dry shampoo every now and then, I still look like a zombie).
~ Darn those Facebook ads! They are powerfully effective (on me, anyway)
~ I continue winning “Deal or No Deal” and “Bingo” on that Facebook Live demo. That alone added 1 shampoo, 6 bars of soap, 3 deodorants, 2 lip balms and a lotion stick to my cache.

Maybe I’ll be more successful at reducing my yarn inventory (sigh).
Did you hoard toilet paper? You can discover great ways to store your supply in our earlier post “Rest in Peace Eyesores“
Thank you for making me feel like I’m not the only one.
I know! I wasn’t kidding when I said product in my cabinet was purchased before Clinton was elected.