Holy Cow! Jumping on the Food Train

Since the beginning of the internet, the volume of information has been growing exponentially.  571 new websites are created every minute. We’re here to break down all that information. Each “Holy Cow!” post is about the size of a midge. They’re interesting things we’ve run across while traveling the World Wide Web… Just click the pictures below to find out amazing things!

“Sugar, how you get so fly?” — Baby Bash, “Suga Suga”

Confetti Bubble Wrap Bark? Oh my!

Think Outside the (Graham Cracker) Box

Think Outside the Graham Cracker Box

Falling Down the Alexa Rabbit Hole–Introducing the AllRecipes Skill

Let Alexa find the recipe

Good Hair Day Pasta: Who wouldn’t like this? A person who hates fun, that’s who.

Having a Pasta Hair Day

Screaming for some of this

Wine Ice Cream? Yes, please!

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