Everyone needs a little help sometimes. Even Santa Claus.
It’s a busy time for Santa, with making the last of the toys, checking his list, checking it twice and making sure that all of the nice children receive a gift. We won’t even talk about packing the sleigh and delivering them all! In between the hustle and bustle, Santa reads all of the letters he receives and, for the children of Hardin County, he makes certain they receive a response.
For many years, he has asked Lisa, his friend (and mine), to assist him in getting his letters sorted and delivered before his visit on Christmas Eve. Lisa, our former post master, always finds the time to help. The past few years, a few of us have helped, too.
Santa enjoys the children’s letters so much, he thought others may, too, and asked me to share some of them with you. Sometimes the writing made us smile; sometimes the pictures did. A few of them tugged at our hearts. We hope you enjoy them as much as we did.
Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a blessed New Year!
That was great guys!
so sweet!
you were missed this year!