In the 80s, we used to specifically drive to Four Vees lounge, a great little pub in Dearborn, Michigan, just for their Reuben’s and — their pickles! Technically, a dill pickle, they were the best: large, crisp, sort of in-between a cucumber and a pickle. Back then, they were the only pickle I would eat.

Imagine my surprise when recently, my husband, Eddie, served me a dill pickle very similar to Four Vees. I was surprised and elated. My surprise doubled when he told me that he had made them. WHAT????

Apparently, we had finished a purchased jar of Vlassic Kosher Dills. We had a few cucumbers harvested from our garden. Instead of throwing the juice away, he sliced our home grown cucumbers and put them in the left-over, store bought pickle juice. He put the jar in the refrigerator and a week later: dill pickles. Talk about easy!
- Wash cucumbers.

- Cut off ends (they can cause a bitter flavour).

- Slice cucumbers.

- Add to juice in empty pickle jar.

- Refrigerate for a week or longer.

So, don’t throw that pickle juice down the drain! Slice a few cucumbers, add them to the juice and refrigerate. In a week, you will have the best, crispy, delicious dill pickles you’ve eaten since 1989!
I can attest to the fact that they are definitely delicious! Eddie served them to us for lunch with grilled cheese on one of our ‘co-op’ work days. Yum!
eddie says thank you! come back for more!