On a random website, a cute pair of shoes appeared that could be purchased at Walmart for a mere $14.99! I have enough shoes for the zombie apocalypse, but, well, they were cute and only $14.99!

My size was unavailable at our local Walmart, so I opted to have the shoes shipped to the store. This way, I could save $5.99 shipping and stop when in the area to conserve gas.
I chose to pick them up two days later, after dinner with old friends. I arrived and the pickup area was so far in the back, I should have brought a snack for the trip.
I expected an associate at the desk, but the floor was deserted. A large kiosk announced I would need to “check-in”. It took me a couple of tries because I didn’t know how to “erase” wrong information, had to look up my order number, looked at a few Facebook posts and organized my wallet as the screen timed out. I began again, as an employee (whose parents surely were first cousins), bangs through the double doors to my right. He states, with a toothless grin, that pickup closes at 8:00 pm. My phone showed 8:03 pm.
So, I headed out and stopped to look at the other shoes on the messy display. Cute walking shoes. Oh? I do plan on walking with all this retirement time on my hands, so why not?

Whoa, whoa, whoa! That Pioneer Woman tablecloth is so pretty! And those rattan charger plates would look so good with the new tablecloth. I needed ammonia, but that would have to wait for another time because I couldn’t carry another thing.
Normally, I demonstrate self-control when shopping (okay, that’s a lie. My husband has to physically restrain me most of the time), but give me credit for

I went back the next day and feeling like an expert, I entered my information into the kiosk. I quickly received my shoes and headed out. Again, I didn’t have a shopping cart and could only carry the ammonia, table runner, cross body purse and an autumn wreath to the cash register.
The decision to pick up my original purchase was to save money on shipping. Total spent at Walmart during this quest: $108.46 (that is not a typo, my friends).
My advice: pay for shipping.
I feel your pain. Did clicklist at Kroger sure I saved money on all the impulse buys I would have made but what bargains did I miss????